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3 Quick Shooting Tips
"How to get better storytelling B-Roll"

B-Roll and Cutaways are the same thing. They are Stand-alone shots that help illustrate a person's interview..or are used to cover narration tracks and set-up shots.
Organize your approach to capturing B-Roll
Your subject will mention places, items etc in your interview. It's important to find these and get shots of them. They will help illustrate your video.
Silence is not Golden
Always record sound when shooting B-Roll / Cutaways.
Referred to as Natural sound or "Nat Sound".
This audio is crucial during editing. Most editors use a low volume of "NAT SOUND" on most B-Roll shots. In this image you can see B-roll shots with "Nat" sound on top of Narration audio . This is proper mixing.
In most cases, no audio would indicate a novice editor.
Tip #3 Three Types of B-Roll / Cutaways
It's about being aware of these types of shots when shooting.
3-General Coverage
Organize your approach to capturing B-Roll
Your subject will mention places, items etc in your interview. It's important to find these and get shots of them. They will help illustrate your video.
Silence is not Golden
Always record sound when shooting B-Roll / Cutaways.
Referred to as Natural sound or "Nat Sound".
This audio is crucial during editing. Most editors use a low volume of "NAT SOUND" on most B-Roll shots. In this image you can see B-roll shots with "Nat" sound on top of Narration audio . This is proper mixing.
In most cases, no audio would indicate a novice editor.
Tip #3 Three Types of B-Roll / Cutaways
It's about being aware of these types of shots when shooting.
3-General Coverage
These Shots do the storytelling for you !

Instead of having to narrate what city you are in...these images do it for you. That's why I call them "Storytelling" B-roll.
Do yourself,or an editor a favor..even if you are running late...quickly get some exterior shots of every place you shoot an interview.
If your character is walking thru a park...get a shot of the park sign at the entrance.
To establish different cities you filmed in ..get a master wide shot from a tall building.
forget to get the city can easily find stock footage at website such as POND5.
Do yourself,or an editor a favor..even if you are running late...quickly get some exterior shots of every place you shoot an interview.
If your character is walking thru a park...get a shot of the park sign at the entrance.
To establish different cities you filmed in ..get a master wide shot from a tall building.
forget to get the city can easily find stock footage at website such as POND5.
They help make your audience feel
They help make your audience feel
If you want people to feel emotion while watching your video, you must film crying laughing, touching, etc, or shoot scenes that evoke a certain feeling or emotion, a lonely person solitude on a park bench says loneliness better then words can.
For Example:
You can film at any airport's international arrival terminal.
Film people hugging each other..slo-mo the footage... add sad music,
and call it "Coming Home". Your friends will tell you how much they
were moved by your video. It's because you shot the emotional images.
If you see something that touches your it !
General Coverage
Film details in your subject's environment
Film details in your subject's environment

General Coverage means getting detailed shots of your subject's home, car, workplace. At an event this could be close-up shots of tickets being ripped at gate, the hot dog vendor etc.
Remind yourself to get close-up shots of the environment your subject lives or works in.
Every great author uses details of environment to help you understand the character in a book.
For Example
Balzac the great author would not write,
"The old man got out of bed, dressed and walked out"
Great authors share details to give you a clue as to who this person really is. They would write,
"The torn curtain waved inside the bedroom, the half filled bottle of scotch lay beside his bed as he rose to greet the day."
These details help you understand the character.
The Documentary "CRUMB" illustrates this nicely
- If they say it...shoot it
- Always record Audio with your B-Roll / Cutaways
- 3 Types of B-roll / Cutaways to be aware of when shooting
- Storytelling
- Emotional
- General Coverage
Our updated on-line Digital Video Production Course includes in depth info on this subject along with examples that illustrate these concepts and more.
Learn Documentary and corporate Video
Interview techniques in 3-minutes
(click video below)
Instructor Aron Ranen on location shooting for Reuters News Agency in Los Angeles